André França


__ Portfolio Review

__ Photography Project Guidance


Portfolio Review

What it is: A portfolio review is an activity in which an artist/photographer presents their work to a reviewer who then provides constructive critical feedback on the work.

How it works: The artist/photographer shows me a set of 8 to 15 photographs of a project they've been working on and then I...

* ask questions about the origin, concepts/ideas investigated, development and objectives of the project;
* make observations and critical comments about the work;
* comment on the positive and weak points of the project (mentioning any directions for correction or improvement);
* I mention artists/photographers who have created projects that have a dialog with the photos presented and that can serve as an interesting reference for the photographer;
* point out the strongest photos in the set (and also those that are less interesting).

Sending the material: The photographs (with a resolution of 72 dpi and 750 pixels on the largest side) should be sent by email together with a text of 5 to 15 lines that introduces and describes your project.

The portfolio review will be provided in writing, by email, 5 days after receipt of the material. (I may, if necessary, send you some questions about the project after receiving it).

Price: US$ 80.00.

Payment method: Credit card/PayPal (Visa, Master).

For further information, please send an email.


André França. "Quintal II #2", 2014

André França: website


Photography Project Guidance

What it is: The photography project guidance is an activity in which the professional guides the artist/photographer with regard to the conception, planning and/or realization of their project.

How it works: The artist/photographer describes to me the idea they have for a photography project, the way they plan to carry it out and shows me up to 10 photos they have already made (if they have already started shooting) and then I...

* ask questions about the origin, concepts/ideas investigated, development and objectives of the project;
* make observations and critical comments on the project idea;
* comment on any facilities and/or difficulties they may encounter in carrying it out;
* I comment on the positive and weak points of the project (mentioning any directions for correction or improvement);
* I mention artists/photographers who have done work that dialogues with the idea of the project (and/or with the photos presented) and that could serve as an interesting reference for the artist/photographer;
* I recommend books and/or texts that can help you with the specific research and development of your project;
* I point out the strongest photos (and also the least interesting ones) among those that may have been presented;
* point out and suggest working directions for an interesting development of the project.

Sending the material: a text describing the idea behind the project (maximum 15 lines) should be sent by email. If any photographs have already been made, they should also be sent as an attachment (maximum of 10 photos - with a resolution of 72 dpi and 750 pixels on the largest side). (I may send you an email with questions about the project before sending my text with the guidance).

Guidance: The project guidance will be provided in writing, by email, up to 10 days after receipt of the material. (I may send you some questions about the project after receipt).

Price: US$ 220.00.

Payment method: Credit card/PayPal (Visa, Master).

For further information, please send an email.


André França. "Vanishing #14", 2010

Copyright © 2004-2024 André França